Ask Art is my brand new, WEEKLY podcast that features an actual question submitted from someone awesome like you!
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Why Ask Art?
Before the idea for Ask Art, I used to answer questions from the audience at the end of the ScapeFu podcast, which isn’t going away and will continue to run weekly. But, I felt like the questions changed the feel of the episodes that were often about something else.
So, I decided to dedicate an entire show to answering your questions instead!
Each show is in a bite-sized format, and it’s an awesome, more organized way to deliver even more value to you. Plus, you can rely on having something new in your ears every single week, and the bite-sized format makes it easy to catch up if you fall behind.
@Scapefu these #AskArt episodes are magic
— Kat Jarman (@kathrynjarman) February 12, 2014
Get Featured – Get a FREE Ask Art t-shirt!

Who doesn’t like a free t-shirt?? I figured that if you take the time to leave me a voicemail question, the least I can do is reward you.
If I use your voicemail question on the air, you get this cool Ask Art t-shirt shown above.
How to submit a Question
I want this show to be fun, personal, and helpful! So let’s keep it real and sensible, okay? Please use common sense and show courtesy with your questions. That way everyone wins! Here are some guidelines to ensure your question is qualified to be featured on the show.
- Please keep your question under one minute in length. If it goes a little over, that’s fine, but please keep it concise and to the point.
- If you have a website and URL, you’re allowed to share it only once during the recording. For example: “Hi, my name is Jane Doe. I have a blog called Jane’s Fine Wine at JanesFineWine.com. My question is…”
- Spammy, disrespectful, or deeply private questions will not be considered for the podcast.
I use SpeakPipe.com, a fantastic web service that allows anyone to leave me a voicemail message through the Internet. It’s like magic, I swear All you need is an Internet connection and a microphone.
You can contact me via Twitter. Just send a tweet to @scapefu and I will consider your question for the podcast. Simple.
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