Scape Fu Episode 4 – Mike Senske

Art PennomPodcast3 Comments

Scape Fu Episode 4 – Mike Senske is now live.

As you’ll hear, I explain the delay in getting this podcast out and have a good conversation with Mike Senske of Aquarium Design Group.  You will also get to hear me trip over my tongue quite a few times. Lucky you!!

The Link of the Week is Raymond’s Aqua Planted Tank ( Please go check it out!

Finally, I do a couple of iTunes’ Shoutouts.  If you appreciate the show, please be sure to give us a rating and leave a comment! We sure do appreciate it.



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3 Comments on “Scape Fu Episode 4 – Mike Senske”

  1. Scott

    Good show this week, Art. I’d like to hear more in-depth conversations about people’s techniques. So far (with the exception of the crypt ‘cast), all the guests have been talking broadly about the hobby (and honestly, retreading the same ground), and their philosophies about the hobby. Let’s get to some nuts & bolts! I know there has to be some geeks out there who want to hear about technique and equipments!

  2. Kris

    Another great podcast! Mike’s a great guy, and is always fun to hear what he and ADG are up to. Thanks for bringing that to us!

  3. Matt

    I’ve watched your first four podcasts so far and they are all great! Its really nice to have a planted tank podcast to listen while working on my tank or cooking too. I’m setting up a “new” ten gallon tank and I’ll try to send you questions about it soon.
    On this particular show Mike was awesome, its always nice to hear his kind of enthusiasm. Nothing against Mike, but I agree with Scott that some more detailed Podcasts would be great. If the next podcasts are more detail oriented or particular tank oriented please ignore this.
    Lastly I would like to say that the link of the week section is my personal favorite.
    Bottom line I think you are doing a great job, keep it up.

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