How Best to Listen to the ScapeFu Podcast

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If you enjoy listening to the ScapeFu Podcast and the Ask Art Podcast, may I ask you for a favor?

One of the best ways for us to spread the word about the ScapeFu Podcast and the Ask Art Podcast is for YOU, our listeners, to subscribe, rate, review and share it via iTunes.

I ask you to PLEASE take 5 minutes out of your day to go follow the links above and subscribe, rate, review and share the podcasts via iTunes.

What’s in it for you?

By subscribing via iTunes, the podcasts will automatically download to your iPhone or iPod. This lets you listen to us on the go, on your work commute, working out or mowing the lawn.

Let me show you how to do it

Here’s a video I did to walk you through the process.

Thank you SO MUCH for helping us spread the word about the ScapeFu and Ask Art Podcasts!

Best personal regards,


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